


  • deep(rules: any): (Anonymous function)
  • Merge strategy deep merging objects.


    • rules: any

      optional set of merging rules.

      deep will deep merge objects. This is the default merging strategy of objects. It's possible to provide a set of rules to override the merge strategy for some properties. See mergeFull.

    Returns (Anonymous function)


  • deepWithKey(mergeKey: any, rules: any): (Anonymous function)
  • Merge strategy for arrays of objects, deep merging objects having the same mergeKey.


    • mergeKey: any

      key used to identify the same object.

    • rules: any

      optional set of rules to merge each object.


      import { mergeFull, deep, deepWithKey } from '@jkcfg/std/merge';
      const pod = {
        spec: {
          containers: [{
            name: 'my-app',
            image: 'busybox',
            command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo Hello Kubernetes!'],
            name: 'sidecar',
            image: 'sidecar:v1',
      const sidecarImage = {
        spec: {
          containers: [{
            name: 'sidecar',
            image: 'sidecar:v2',
      mergeFull(pod, sidecarImage, {
        spec: {
          containers: deepWithKey('name'),

      Will give the result:

        spec: {
          containers: [
              command: [
                'echo Hello Kubernetes!',
              image: 'busybox',
              name: 'my-app',
              image: 'sidecar:v2',
              name: 'sidecar',

    Returns (Anonymous function)


  • first(): (Anonymous function)
  • Merge strategy merging two values by selecting the first value.


    let a = {
      k0: 1,
      o: {
        o0: 'a string',
    let b = {
      k0: 2,
      k1: true,
      o: {
        o0: 'another string',
    mergeFull(a, b, { o: first() });

    Will give the result:

      k0: 2,
      k1: true,
      o: {
        o0: 'a string',

    Returns (Anonymous function)


  • merge(a: any, b: any): any
  • Parameters

    • a: any
    • b: any

    Returns any


  • mergeFull(a: any, b: any, rule: any): any
  • Merges b into a with optional merging rule(s).


    • a: any

      Base value.

    • b: any

      Merge value.

    • rule: any

      Set of merge rules.

      mergeFull will recursively merge two values a and b. By default:

      • if a and b are primitive types, b is the result of the merge.
      • if a and b are arrays, b is the result of the merge.
      • if a and b are objects, every own property is merged with this very set of default rules.
      • the process is recursive, effectively deep merging objects.

      if a and b have different types, mergeFull will throw an error.


      Merge primitive values with the default rules:

      mergeFull(1, 2);
      > 2

      Merge objects with the default rules:

      const a = {
        k0: 1,
        o: {
          o0: 'a string',
      let b = {
        k0: 2,
        k1: true,
        o: {
          o0: 'another string',
      mergeFull(a, b);
        k0: 2,
        k1: true,
        o: {
          o0: 'another string',

      Merge strategies

      It's possible to override the default merging rules by specifying a merge strategy, a function that will compute the result of the merge.

      For primitive values and arrays, the third argument of mergeFull is a function:

      const add = (a, b) => a + b;
      mergeFull(1, 2, add);
      > 3

      For objects, each own property can be merged with different strategies. The third argument of mergeFull is an object associating properties with merge functions.

      // merge a and b, adding the values of the `k0` property.
      mergeFull(a, b, { k0: add });
        k0: 3,
        k1: true,
        o: {
          o0: 'another string',

    Returns any


  • mix(...transforms: any[]): r
  • Parameters

    • Rest ...transforms: any[]

    Returns r


  • patch(obj: any, patchObj: any): any
  • module



    • obj: any
    • patchObj: any

    Returns any


  • replace(): (Anonymous function)
  • Merge strategy merging two values by selecting the second value.


    let a = {
      k0: 1,
      o: {
        o0: 'a string',
        o1: 'this will go away!',
    let b = {
      k0: 2,
      k1: true,
      o: {
        o0: 'another string',
    mergeFull(a, b, { o: replace() });

    Will give the result:

      k0: 2,
      k1: true,
      o: {
        o0: 'another string',

    Returns (Anonymous function)